“Meraki is a modern Greek word which means to put something of yourself into what you’re doing: passion, love, creativity, all the good stuff and only the good stuff.”In this episode of Meraki Radio: Perspectives, Alonna Shaw joins Alison B for an exploration of Alison B's poetry experiment “Love Travels.” This collection of poems originated as a letter-a-day mailed to her husband while she was on the East Coast and he was at home on the West Coast. Alonna reads poems, Alison comments and reads a few as well. They discuss what happens when a poem is released. Who determines how it's read?
Listen LIVE: The interview will air live June 9, 2020, from 12:30-1 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time; and replayed 5:30 p.m.-6 p.m. PDT on kdrt.org streaming and 95.7FM in Davis, California.
➙Listen anytime.
“Love Travels” by Alison B
Love Poems by Nikki Giovanni
"A Supermarket in California" by Allen Ginsberg
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