My makeup Go Bag has evolved since my
2013 post. During my road tripping in 2015. I got the hang of wearing a minimal application of color again. These products are all fragrance-free and don't make your skin feel like you're wearing a mask.
This post is Throwback Thursday fun with pics from the late 80s. (Let's be clear, I am no longer in my twenties!) If we're lucky life rolls onward.
Cover shoot Miami '88
Peach eye shadow
and pink lips
for a summer glow. |
I used to take for granted my past youthful routine of putting on a face and fixing my hair, daily. Also, the regimen of facials and haircuts which kept my skin and hair in top shape were time consuming and expensive. The shift of focus years ago from painting my face to painting canvases, then pages with words contributes to why I lack the interest and discipline of applying makeup.
Since leaving city life, a freshly washed face is the extent of my daily routine. Glamming it up feels forced, to put on makeup only to run around mountain trails or to sit at my computer doesn't make much sense.
2016 Makeup Go Bag includes:
Koh Gen Do Moisture Fit Concealer
Koh Gen Do Maifanshi Foundation
Senna Powder in Banana (discontinued)
Bobbi Brown Eye Shadows in:
(Khaki, Wheat, Bone)
KGD Maifanshi Natural Lighting Powder
Clinique Slate Quickliner for Eyes
Prescriptives Dusty Rose Lip Pencil
Koh Gen Do Moisture Concealer (compact)
Bobbi Brown Black Everything Mascara
Koh Gen Do Maifanshi Lip Gloss PK303
Shiseido Rouge Parfait Lipstick
Bobbi Brown Nectar Blush
Blue Q Pencil Case
The flip side of not wanting to take the time and trouble of applying makeup is that once it’s on I do feel a different side of myself I thought I had left behind. When I was a model part of my girl-next-door appeal for advertising and editorial clients was that makeup could dramatically change my appearance into whatever they needed.
Polaroids, test shots, and outtakes. Welcome to the late 80s.
Photos on the left have natural makeup, right are glam.
Left image by photographer Eddie Wolf/LA.
Right image for Star World Colour Estee Lauder, Japan '86. The natural look on the left required about the same amount of makeup as the more dramatic Estee Lauder editorial harkening to a Scarlet O'Hara look. The difference is muted vs. dramatic color selection.
Serene rose lipstick shines while the dynamic red provides a matte stain. Natural lids enhanced with a bronze shade contrast "Scarlet's" frosted lavender eye shadow with smokey-colored corners. |
Left image by photographer Eddie Wolf/LA; right, Polaroid from Sebastian Int. live event.
Playing dress up! Such fun to wear wigs and feel like someone else. These brunette looks show makeup adjusted for hair color. Sebastian Int. created a theatrical look for a "Carmen-inspired" stage event circa '85. |
Photographers: left, unknown/LA; right, Bill Schild/Miami.
The light makeup application in the left photo uses sun-kissed contouring and pale lips instead of deeply saturated dramatic color. Barely-there liner and mascara support this more androgynous look. The Evita-inspired face has fully lined top lids
with lash extensions. |
"The best makeup foundation is a smile generated from a happy heart, worn with a pair of simple earrings."
Gallery event, Australia '87.
The 10-minute face.
Lightweight foundation with quick sweeps of pinch-your-cheeks color
over cheeks, eyes, and lips; plus taupe eyeliner and brown/black mascara.
An 80s post requires a comment about hair.
"Blow it dry while scrunching the ends with hair spray."
Well, at least I didn't tease it into the big-hair look! |
More on my blog:
Building My Go Bag of Fragrance-Free Makeup, Part One
Fragrance-free posts