We all have secret loves. Right? I mean stuff you’ve loved your whole life but don’t necessarily insert into everyday conversation.
I’ve never been much of a shopper, yet sales lured me. I call it "the sale sickness.” The quest for a good deal--what is a good deal? Even on a tight budget, I could indulge in my socks and greeting cards habits. So many styles and images to discover and own. I had drawers full of socks for every mood and occasion. Same with greeting cards, a file drawer filled just waiting for someone who needed a little cheering up or inspiration. Life is brief. A good deal is making someone feel or be better.
My latest indulgence, online courses, made me better. They equipped me with the tools to create my own video greeting cards! Something I’ve wanted to do since the days when I was a little girl riding my pony door-to-door selling personalized greeting cards. Over on Vimeo they aren't paper and take up less space.
Who knew my idea of participating in just one short online course, you know to get me out of a creative rut, could become an avalanche of interaction and personal expansion? Don’t even get me started on these terrific habit-forming courses from CalArts, U of Iowa, Penn, Harvard, and my new love MasterClass! Werner Herzog’s directing course permitted my mind to step into a role that feels comfortable and my classmates rocked my world with helpful technical suggestions. They made me feel better and be better.
"Do the doable."—Werner Herzog
Learning never stops. There is no perfect. Today I'm ready to free my fierce, internal greeting-card self into the online world. As far as the sale sickness, I’ve solved this by sharing my video ecards sans dollar requirements. Meaning free.
I'd love it if you'd visit my Vimeo page to see my fresh, candy-hearts ecard-style videos! These four are super short and perfect for Valentine's Day and other heart-related occasions. Please share the links with someone you love. Thanks!